Achillea millefolium
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Achillea millefolium, Yarrow, Woundwort, Milfoil
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Achillea
• Hardiness: H6 (-15 to -20C)
• Type: Herbaceous Perennial
• Height: 30-90cm
• Spread: 60cm
Yarrow can be seen at the herb farm in Jekka's Herbetum and is available to buy as both herb plants and online as herb seeds.
• Soil type: Clay, Sand
• pH: Universal pH
• Habit: Mat forming, Creeping
• Flowering colour: White, Pale pink
• Flowering time: Summer
• Uses: Culinary & Medicinal (Read Jekka's Guide To Culinary Herbs and Medicinal Herbs for more information)
• Attracts pollinators: Yes (Read Jekka's Guide to Pollinators for more information)
• Container suitability: No
• UK native: Yes
• Caution: May cause skin irritation. Do not take medicinally when pregnant.
• Indoor Sowing: In early spring in prepared plug trays or pots, cover seeds with perlite. Bottom heat, 18°C, aids germination.
• Outdoor Sowing: In autumn using fresh seed into a prepared sunny site. Thin seedlings, in the following spring, to 45cm apart.
• Maintenance: This robust plant is prone to self seeding so cut back after flowering. (See Jekka's Blogs on Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer and Autumn maintenance)
• Harvest: Cut leaves and flowers for drying as the plant comes into flower.
One of the earliest recorded medicinal plants, yarrow was known as ‘the soldiers’ herb’, reflecting its history of use to staunch the wounds of battle and promote wound healing.
Also sometimes called ‘master of the blood’ it has been seen as both a cure for nosebleeds and also a trigger for them in the treatment of headaches. Many herbalists regard it as being one of the most important herbs for supporting the proper circulation of blood to the tissues of the body.
With an established traditional role in the regulation of heavy or painful menstrual bleeding, it has also been used in combination with other aromatic herbs to encourage sweating in feverish colds and flu.

Caution: Yarrow should be avoided in pregnancy and in those taking anticoagulant medications. In common with other members of the daisy family it can sometimes cause a contact dermatitis and photosensitivity in people who are sensitive to it.
Please note: The information provided here is for educational interest only and is not intended to be used to diagnose or treat significant health problems. Any serious or long-term health concerns should always be discussed with a healthcare professional.
See our blog for more information about the National Institute of Medical Herbalists
For information on growing herbs from seeds please see Jekka's blogs on sowing herb seeds, sowing your winter culinary herbs or how to grow vegetables.
Jekka's "How to Grow Herbs" videos, includes Jekka's video on how to sow herb seeds for an informative step-by-step guide to seed sowing. For a hands-on herb experience, where you will learn how to grow herbs, check out our Master Classes.
Growing indoors? Check out Jekka's blog on indoor herb gardening for some advice.
For seeds, try Jekka's Seed Club Subscription to regularly receive different sustainable culinary herb seeds for you to try. If you require pots or compost, see Jekka's Herb Kits that includes Jekka's Seed Sowing Kit. This kit contains all you need to sow a collection of herb seeds.
For more information on growing herbs plants please see Jekkapedia, Jekka's blog or our FAQs page.
Happy Herbs!
At Jekka’s we sell herbs in 1 Ltr and 2 Ltr pots. These are established and hardy herb plants that are grown following organic principals and to survive the UK climate. Please read Jekka's blog that contains her top steps to growing on your herbs.
There is also ‘Jekka’s Seasonal Tips’ series that covers growing and maintaining herbs in early spring, late spring, summer and autumn & winter. Together they form Jekka’s guide on how to grow herbs. For a hands-on herb experience, where you will learn how to grow herbs, check out our Master Classes.
Our herbs are designed to be grown in containers or planted in the garden. Although some herbs will be quite happy indoors, most prefer being outside. Please see our indoor growing blog for more information.
If you require pots or compost, we have developed Jekka's Herb Kits, which includes Jekka's "Grow On" Kit. These kits contain all you need to grow on your herbs.
If you think your herbs need a little more attention we always recommend an environmentally friendly solution, and these are Jekka's top three:
- Maxicrop liquid seaweed: 'Feed on Fridays' as Jekka always says for all round good plant health.
- SB Invigorator: a safe and effective insecticide and fungicide to help control a wide range of pest species
- Epsom salts: the horticultural equivalent of what you put in your bath that will top up the plant's magnesium and stop orange leaves.
Please note, the compost in Jekka's Kits will have enough natural food for approximately 6 weeks.
For more information on growing herbs plants please see Jekkapedia, Jekka's blog or our FAQs page.
Happy Herbs!
One of our three core roots is that we are Environmentally Conscious and for the past 30 years all the herbs grown at Jekka’s have been raised following sustainable, environmentally friendly and organic approaches resulting in a remarkable biodiversity at the herb farm.
Our herb seeds are also untreated and can be used to grow organic herb plants. Our seeds are hand packed into gassine bags, which are fully recyclable, compostable and biodegradable. These bags are then put into beautifully illustrated paper seed packets. Therefore, our environmental footprint is small.
Want to know more? You can read more about our sustainability approach to growing herbs in one of Jekka's Blogs. See also: