Jekka's Looking Good Herb List

Culinary & medicinal herbs for sale in 1 Ltr & 2 Ltr pots

Back when Jekka's was Jekka's Herb Farm we used to produce a weekly "Looking Good List" which we then faxed (if you remember what one of those are) to garden centres and shops.

The list of herbs below is our modern day equivalent of what we think is looking particularly good on the herb farm at the moment and therefore, ready for a Herb Farm Collection or for pre-order for an Open Day. Please note, our herb plants are not available via mail order but we do offer a limited selection of Jekka's Culinary Herb Boxes.

This is not an exhaustive herb list, as we grow over 400 different types of culinary & medicinal herbs, but it is a good start to understand what is in season. In Spring, new plants will be propagated and potted up continuously.

Click on the botanical name to be taken to the herb plant page. An 'x' denotes availability at that size; for reference, a 1 Ltr pot has roughly a 13 cm diameter and a 2 Ltr pot has roughly a 17 cm diameter. Due to demand, plants are available in 2 Ltrs.

Please note:
- A limited number of Curry Trees (Bergera koenigii) are available to buy. Please email and sign up to our waiting list.
- As we pot up, as herbs grow, plants listed as available in 1 Ltr will be in 2 ltrs.
- As the weather warms, new plants will come available, likely faster than we can update this list. Therefore, please do send an enquiry if something you are after is missing. Check out the full plant list for details.
- Basils are typically available from the May Open Days (tickets here). Seeds available all year round.

Updated May 2024.

Botanical Name Common Name 2 Ltr Herb Plant Available
Achillea ageratum English Mace x - £10.50
Achillea millefolium Yarrow, Woundwort, Milfoil x - £10.50
Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle x - £10.50
Allium x proliferum Tree Onion, Catawissa Onion x - £10.50
Allium cernuum Lady's leek, Nodding onion x - £10.50
Allium nutans Siberian Chives, Blue Chives x - £10.50
Allium tuberosum Garlic Chives, Chinese Chives x - £10.50
Allium ursinum Ramsons, Wild Garlic, Wood Garlic x - £10.50
Aloe vera Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Bitter Aloes x - £18.50
Aloysia citrodora Lemon Verbena x - £14.50
Aloysia polystachya White Brush x - £14.50
Anethum graveolens Dill x - £8.50
Angelica archangelica Angelica x - £10.50
Angelica pachycarpa Portuguese Angelica x - £14.50
Apium graveolens Celery Leaf, Wild Celery x - £8.50
Aralia racemosa American Spikenard x - £14.50
Armoracia rusticana Horseradish x - £10.50
Armoracia rusticana 'Variegata' Variegated Horseradish x - £10.50
Artemisia abrotanum Southernwood, Lads Love x - £11.50
Artemisia alba Camphor Scented Southernwood x - £11.50
Artemisia annua Sweet Wormwood, Sweet Annie x - £11.50
Artemisia dracunculus 'French' French Tarragon x - £10.50
Artemisia schmidtiana 'Nana' Dwarf Schmidt wormwood x - £14.50
Borago officinalis Borage x - £8.50
Borago pygmaea Prostrate Borage, Corsican Borage x - £10.50
Bulbine frutescens African Bulbine, Burn Jelly Plant x - £14.50
Calendula officinalis Pot Marigold x - £8.50
Capparis spinosa subsp. Rupestris Spineless caper x - £23.50
Cedronella canariensis Balm of Gilead x - £14.50
Centaurea cyanus Cornflower x - £8.50
Centella asiatica Gotu Kola, Indian Pennywort, Tiger Gras x - £14.50
Centranthus ruber Red Valerian x - £10.50
Chamaemelum nobile Chamomile, Roman Chamomile x - £10.50
Chamaemelum nobile 'Flore Pleno' Double Flowered Chamomile x - £10.50
Chamaemelum nobile 'Treneague' Lawn Chamomile x - £10.50
Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good King Henry x - £10.50
Chimonanthus praecox Winter Sweet, Japanese all spice x - £18.50
Cichorium intybus Chicory, Succory x - £10.50
Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil x - £10.50
Coleus amboinicus Cuban Oregano x - £14.50
Coriandrum sativum Coriander x - £8.50
Cota tinctoria Dyers Chamomile, Golden Marguerite x - £10.50
Cynara cardunculus Cardoon x - £10.50
Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins' Clove Pink Mrs Sinkins x - £10.50
Dianthus 'Spring Star' Clove Pink Spring Star x - £10.50
Dianthus 'Whatfield Cancan' Clove Pink Whatfield Cancan x - £10.50
Digitalis purpurea Foxglove, Fairy Gloves x - £8.50
Diplotaxis tenuifolia Wild Rocket x - £8.50
Dipsacus fullonum Fullers Teasel x - £8.50
Elettaria cardamomum Cardamom x - £23.50
Eriocephalus africanus South African Wild Rosemary x - £14.50
Escallonia resinosa Curry Scented Escallonia x - £18.50
Ferula communis Giant Fennel x - £18.50
Ferula communis subsp. Glauca Ferula Glauca x - £18.50
Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet x - £10.50
Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpureum' Bronze Fennel x - £10.50
Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry x - £10.50
Fragaria vesca 'White Delight' White Fruiting Strawberry x - £10.50
Fragaria x annanassa 'Pink Panda' ('Frel') Strawberry Pink Panda x - £10.50
Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff x - £10.50
Gynostemma pentaphyllum Sweet Tea Vine, Jiaogulan x - £16.50
Helichrysum italicum 'Corsica' Corsican Curry Plant x - £10.50
Helichrysum italicum 'Korma' Curry Plant Korma x - £10.50
Hesperis matronalis Sweet Rocket x - £10.50
Houttuynia cordata Fish Mint, Fish Wort x - £14.50
Houttuynia cordata 'Flore Pleno' Heart-leaved houttuynia 'Flore Pleno' x - £16.50
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus' Golden Hop x - £14.50
Humulus lupulus Hops x - £14.50
Hydrangea febrifuga Dichroa x - £16.50
Hypericum perforatum St John's Wort x - £10.50
Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop, Blue Hyssop x - £10.50
Hyssopus officinalis 'Roseus' Pink Hyssop x - £10.50
Hyssopus officinalis f. albus White Hyssop x - £10.50
Iris pseudacorus Yellow Flag Iris x - £10.50
Isatis tinctoria Woad x - £10.50
Jasminum officinale Jasmine, Common Jasmine x - £10.50
Laurus nobilis Bay x - £18.50
Lavandula 'Bee Happy' Lavender Bee Happy x - £10.50
Lavandula 'Fathead' Lavender Fathead x - £10.50
Lavandula 'Willow Vale' Lavender Willow Vale x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Ashdown Forest' Lavender Ashdown Forest x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Blue Ice' Lavender Blue Ice x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Cedar Blue' Lavender Cedar Blue x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Folgate' Lavender Folgate x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Melissa' Lavender Melissa x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Muffett' Lavender Miss Muffett x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' Lavender Munstead x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Nana Alba' Lavender Dwarf White x - £11.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Rosea' Lavender Rosea x - £10.50
Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' Lavender Twickel Purple x - £10.50
Lavandula dentata Fringed Lavender, Lavender Dentata x - £11.50
Lavandula pedunculata Portuguese Lavender x - £10.50
Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas f. rosea 'Kew Red' Lavender Kew Red x - £11.50
Lavandula viridis 'Jekka's Blue' Lavender Jekka's Blue x - £11.50
Lavandula x chaytoriae 'Sawyers' Lavender Sawyers x - £11.50
Lavandula x christiana Lavender Christiana x - £11.50
Lavandula x ginginsii 'Goodwin Creek Grey' Lavender Goodwin Creek Grey x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia 'Alba' White Lavender x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavender Grosso x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia 'Lullingstone Castle' Lavender Lullingstone Castle x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia 'Pale Pretender' Lavender Pale Pretender x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia 'Seal' Lavender Seal x - £10.50
Lavandula x intermedia Old English Group Lavender Old English x - £10.50
Leonotis leonurus Lion's Ear, Lion's Tail x - £11.50
Lepechina hastata False Salvia, Pitcher Sage x - £14.50
Leptospermum scoparium New Zealand Tea Tree x - £16.50
Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye Daisy x - £8.50
Levisticum officinale Lovage x - £10.50
Luma apiculata Luma Arrayan x - £14.50
Luma apiculata 'Glanleam Gold' (v) Luma Glanleam Gold x - £14.50
Luma apiculata 'Nana' Dwarf Luma x - £14.50
Luma chequen Chillean Luma, Chilean Myrtle x - £14.50
Malva sylvestris Common Mallow x - £10.50
Mentha 'Strawberry Mint' Strawberry Mint x - £10.50
Mentha 'Sweet Pear' Sweet pear mint x - £11.50
Mentha arvensis 'Banana' Banana Mint x - £10.50
Mentha arvensis 'Thai' Thai Mint x - £10.50
Mentha arvensis var. piperascens Japanese Mint x - £10.50
Mentha cervina Harts Pennyroyal x - £10.50
Mentha cervina alba White Harts Pennyroyal x - £10.50
Mentha lavender mint Lavender Mint x - £10.50
Mentha longifolia 'Buddleia Mint Group Variegated (v)' Variegated Buddleia Mint x - £10.50
Mentha longifolia 'Buddleia Mint Group' Buddleia Mint x - £10.50
Mentha longifolia 'Jekka's' Jekka's Buddleia Mint x - £11.50
Mentha longifolia 'Silver-Leaved' Silver Mint x - £10.50
Mentha pulegium 'Cunningham Mint' Creeping Pennyroyal x - £10.50
Mentha pulegium 'Upright' Upright Pennyroyal x - £10.50
Mentha requienii Corsican Mint x - £10.50
Mentha sativa Traditional Garden Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata Spearmint, Garden Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata 'Nile Valley' Nile Valley Mint x - £11.50
Mentha spicata 'Spanish' Spanish Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata 'Stavordale' Stavordale Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata 'Tashkent' Tashkent Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata var. crispa Curly Mint x - £10.50
Mentha spicata var. crispa 'Moroccan' Moroccan Mint x - £10.50
Mentha suaveolens Apple Mint x - £10.50
Mentha suaveolens 'Le Boues' Guernsey Mint x - £10.50
Mentha suaveolens 'Pineapple' Pineapple Mint x - £10.50
Mentha suaveolens subsp. timija Atlas Mountains Mint x - £11.50
Mentha suaveolens var. crispa 'Mojito' Mojito Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita Peppermint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita 'Black Mitcham' Black Mitcham Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita 'Logee's' (v) Logee's Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata Eau de cologne Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Basil' Basil Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Chocolate' Chocolate Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Grapefruit' Grapefruit Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Lemon' Lemon Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Lime' Lime Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Nevis' Nevis Mint x - £11.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Orange' Orange Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Swiss Ricola' Swiss Ricola Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x smithiana Red Mint x - £10.50
Mentha x villosa var. alopecuroides Bowles's mint Bowles's mint x - £10.50
Mertensia maritima Oysterleaf, Oysterplan, Sea Bluebells x - £16.50
Micromeria fruticose (L.) Druce Mediterranean Rock Mint x - £14.50
Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot x - £10.50
Myrtus communis Myrtle x - £14.50
Myrtus communis 'Jekka's All Gold' Myrtle 'Jekka's All Gold' x - £16.50
Myrtus communis 'Merion' Merion Myrtle x - £14.50
Myrtus communis 'Pyewood Park' Pyewood Park Myrtle x - £14.50
Myrtus communis 'Variegata'(v) Variegated Myrtle x - £14.50
Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina 'Microphylla Variegata' (v) Variegated Tarentina Myrtle x - £14.50
Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' Catmint Six Hills Giant x - £10.50
Nepeta cataria Catnep, Catnip x - £10.50
Nepeta racemosa 'Walkers Low' Catmint Walkers Low x - £10.50
Nepeta x faassenii Catmint x - £10.50
Origanum 'French' French Marjoram x - £11.50
Origanum 'Hot and Spicy' Hot and Spicy' Oregano x - £11.50
Origanum 'Jekka's Beauty' Jekka's Beauty Oregano x - £14.50
Origanum 'Jekka's Spice' Oregano Jekka's Spice x - £14.50
Origanum 'Kent Beauty' Kent Beauty Oregano x - £14.50
Origanum dictamnus Cretan Oregano x - £14.50
Origanum syriacum Middle East Oregano, Za'attar x - £14.50
Origanum vulgare Oregano x - £10.50
Origanum vulgare 'Acorn Bank' Acorn Bank Oregano x - £11.50
Origanum vulgare 'Aureum Crispum' Golden Curly Oregano x - £11.50
Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' Golden Oregano x - £11.50
Origanum vulgare 'Gold Tip' Gold Tipped Oregano x - £11.50
Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum 'Greek' Greek Oregano x - £11.50
Ozothamnus hookeri Kerosene Bush x - £14.50
Papaver paeoniflorum 'Jekka's Purple' Jekka's Purple Paeony Poppy x - £10.50
Pelargonium 'Mabel Grey' Pelargonium 'Mabel Grey' x - £14.50
Persicaria hydropiper 'Rubra' Red Water Pepper x - £8.50
Persicaria odorata Vietnamese Coriander, Rau Ram, Cambodian Mint x - £11.50
Petroselinum crispum Parsley x - £8.50
Petroselinum crispum 'French' French Parsley x - £8.50
Phylla nodiflora Yerba de la Sainte Maria x - £14.50
Phytolacca americana American pokeweed, Poke berry, Red ink plant x - £14.50
Plectranthus madagascariensis 'Variegated Mintleaf' Candle plant, Candlestick vine x - £14.50
Prostanthera lasianthos Victorian Christmas bush x - £14.50
Punica granatum Pomegranate, Carthaginian apple x - £16.50
Pycnanthemum pilosum Mountain Mint x - £11.50
Rumex acetosa Sorrel, Broad Leaved Sorrel x - £10.50
Ruta graveolens Rue x - £10.50
Salvia elegans ' Scarlet Pineapple' Pineapple Sage x - £10.50
Salvia elegans 'Tangerine' Tangerine Scented Sage x - £10.50
Salvia lavandulifolia Narrow Leaved Sage x - £10.50
Salvia officinalis Sage, Common Sage x - £10.50
Salvia officinalis 'Albiflora' White Flowering Sage x - £11.50
Salvia officinalis 'Berggarten Variegated' Varigated Berggarten Sage x - £11.50
Salvia officinalis 'Greek' Greek Sage x - £11.50
Salvia officinalis 'Icterina' (v) Gold Sage x - £10.50
Salvia officinalis 'Italian' Italian Sage x - £11.50
Salvia officinalis 'Nazareth' Israeli Sage x - £11.50
Salvia officinalis 'Purpurascens' Purple Sage x - £10.50
Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor' (v) Tricolour Sage x - £10.50
Salvia rosmarinus Rosemary x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Alderley' Rosemary Alderley Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Arp' Rosemary Arp x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Aurea' Rosemary Golden Variegated x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Barbecue' Rosemary Barbecue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Blue Rain' Rosemary Blue Rain x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Fota Blue' Rosemary Fota Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Foxtail' Rosemary Foxtail x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Gorizia' Rosemary Gorizia x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Green Ginger' Rosemary Green Ginger x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Haifa' Rosemary Haifa x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Jekka's Blue' Rosemary Jekka's Blue x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Jekka's Stardust' Rosemary Jekka's Stardust x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Majorca Pink' Rosemary Majorca Pink x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Miss Jessopp's Upright' Rosemary Miss Jessopp's Upright x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Primley Blue' Rosemary Primley Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Rosea' Rosemary Pink x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Sissinghurst Blue' Rosemary Sissinghurst Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Spice Island' Rosemary 'Spice Island' x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Stavordale' Rosemary Stavordale x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Sudbury Blue' Rosemary Sudbury Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus 'Vatican Blue' Rosemary Vatican Blue x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus (Angustifolia Group) 'Beneden Blue' Rosemary Beneden Blue x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus Albiflora Group Rosemary White x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus Albiflora Group 'Lady in White' Rosemary Lady in White x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus Prostrata Group Rosemary Prostrate x - £11.50
Salvia rosmarinus Prostrata Group 'Cretan' Rosemary Cretan x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus Prostrata Group 'Rampant Boule' Rosemary Rampant Boule x - £14.50
Salvia rosmarinus Prostrata Group 'Whitewater Silver Rosemary Whitewater Silver x - £14.50
Santolina chamaecyparissus 'Pretty Carol' Cotton Lavender 'Pretty Carol' x - £11.50
Santolina chamaecyparissus Lambrook Silver Cotton Lavender 'Lambrook Silver' x - £11.50
Santolina corsica Jord. & Fourr. Corsican Santolina x - £11.50
Santolina rosmarinifolia subsp rosmarinifolia Green Lavender Cotton x - £14.50
Santolina rosmarinifolia subsp rosmarinifolia 'Primrose Gem' Lavender Cotton Primrose Gem x - £14.50
Satureja douglasii Yerba Buena x - £14.50
Satureja montana Winter Savory x - £10.50
Satureja spicigera Creeping Savory x - £14.50
Symphytum 'Hidcote Blue' Comfrey 'Hidcote Blue' x - £10.50
Symphytum ibericum Dwarf Comfrey x - £10.50
Tagetes lemmonii Mountain Marigold x - £10.50
Tagetes lucida Winter Tarragon, Sweet Mace x - £14.50
Tanacetum balsamita Alecost, Costmary x - £10.50
Tanacetum balsamita subsp.balsamita Camphor x - £10.50
Tanacetum parthenium 'Aureum' Golden Feverfew x - £10.50
Tanacetum vulgare Tansy x - £10.50
Teucrium scorodonia Wood Sage x - £10.50
Teucrium scorodonia 'Crispum' Curly Wood Sage x - £10.50
Teucrium x lucidrys Hedge Germander x - £10.50
Thymus 'Bressingham' Bressingham Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Caborn Wine and Roses' Caborn Wine and Roses Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Culinary Lemon' Lemon Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Dartmoor' Dartmoor Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Dillington' Dillington Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Doone Valley' Doone Valley Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Golden Lemon' Golden Lemon Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Iden' Iden Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Jekka' Jekka's Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's 2 Bee Thyme' Jekka's 2 Bee Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's Purple Haze' Jekka's Purple Haze Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's Red Eye' Jekka's Red Eye Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's Rose' Jekka's Rose Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's Rosy Carpet' Jekka's Rosy Carpet Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Jekka's Stepping' Jekka's Stepping Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus 'Lemon Curd' Lemon Curd Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Lilac Time' Lilac Time Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Magic Carpet' Magic Carpet Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Pinewood' Pinewood Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Pink Ripple' Pink Ripple Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Silver Posie' Silver Posie Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus 'Sparkling Bright' Sparkling Bright Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus Coccineus Group Creeping Red Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus (Coccineus Group) 'Purple Beauty' Purple Beauty Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus capitatus Cretan Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus herba-barona Caraway Scented Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus herba-barona 'Lemon-scented' Lemon Caraway scented Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus polytrichus A. Kern. ex Borbás Wooly Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus British Wild Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus pulegioides Broad Leaved Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus pulegioides 'Archers Gold' Archers Gold Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus pulegioides 'Aureus' Golden Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus pulegioides 'Kurt' Creeping Lemon Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus serpyllum 'Annie Hall' Annie Hall Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' Elfin Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus serpyllum 'Vey' Vey Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus vulgaris 'Compactus' Compact Thyme x - £10.50
Thymus vulgaris 'Italian' Italian Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus vulgaris 'Snow White' Compact White Thyme x - £11.50
Thymus vulgaris 'Snow White' Compact White Thyme x - £11.50
Ugni molinae Chilean Guava x - £14.50
Ugni molinae 'Variegata' Variegated Chilean Guava x - £14.50
Valeriana officinalis Valerian x - £10.50
Viola riviniana Dog Violet x - £10.50
Zanthoxylum piperitum Japanese Szechuan Pepper x - £23.50
Zanthoxylum simulans Chinese Szechuan Pepper x - £23.50

All Culinary & Medicinal Herb Plants